Owner • Pilates • Personal Trainer
Sean’s passion for fitness began after he suffered a serious skiing accident in 1991. After a year of physical rehabilitation followed by an intensive exercise regime, he was unable to function properly without chronic pain. Sean had the wonderful opportunity to study the complexities of the human body; biomechanics, Clinical Pilates and functional weight training. He discovered, after many years, that he could properly realign his body, improve functionality and eliminate pain. With this knowledge, he repaired many of the unhealthy movement patterns caused by his traditional physical therapy and years of improper weight training techniques. This life changing experience led him to a career as a health and fitness professional where he constantly works to reverse painful movement patterns and to restore his client’s stability, strength, endurance, and flexibility.
Sean actively researches, studies and participates in anatomy, fitness, Pilates and progressive therapy workshops, seminars and advanced accreditations. He realizes the importance of continuing education and how it impacts his client’s growth. By staying on top of the latest scientific information, Sean can enhance his practice and further assist his clients in reaching their personal goals.
Sean is motivating, inspiring and skilled at incorporating exercise into a healthy lifestyle. His specialties include Pilates, posture training, motor repatterning therapy, Clinical Pilates, applied biomechanics and general and sports-specific strength training. Sean works with a wide range of individuals effectively utilizing a broad spectrum of fitness disciplines. Integrating everything from Pilates, to functional training, he can customize programs to fit any need. Improve your functional abilities and enjoy exercise both mentally and physically. With Sean’s knowledge and your motivation and commitment, you will work together to make permanent positive changes.
- Pilates Teacher (Polestar Pilates – 2010)
- National Pilates Certification Program NPCP – Certified 2015
- Personal Trainer (National Academy of Sports Medicine, NASM)
Advanced Accreditations
Neuromuscular Physiology- Biomechanics
- Corrective Exercise Specialist
- Integrated Approach to Human Movement Science
- Integrated Speed, Agility & Quickness
- Integrated Core Training
- Kinetic Chain Assessment
- Kinetic Chain Dysfunction
- Senior, Youth, and Pre/Post Natal Training